Clinical Hypnotherapy Course

Become a Fully Accredited Hypnotherapy Practitioner
Our fully accredited Clinical Hypnotherapy Training Program meets all the requirements for Full Practitioner validation.
This course will enable you to be registered as a fully qualified practitioner of Clinical Hypnotherapy with the GHSC (General Hypnotherapy Standards Council), GHR (General Hypnotherapy Register) and CNHC (Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council). The CNHC is the body set up by the Department of Health and is the regulatory body for complementary medicines in the UK
How is the course structured?
The course will run over four modules, at a pace that suits you.
Modules (compulsory)
- Module 1: Clinical Hypnotherapy Diploma (6-days, 2 blocks of 3-days)
- Module 2: Building Blocks of Change - Rapport and more (4-days)
- Module 3: Language of Change - Beyond Words (3-days)
- Module 4: Development and Applications – Anxiety mgt, Metaphor development, Regression (3-days)
Modules (optional)
- Coaching (3 days)
- NLP Master Practitioner (8-days, 2 blocks of 4-days)
- Continuing Professional Development days (CPD's)
Course Dates
Modules run throughout the year, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 0121 251 6172 for latest dates
On successful completion of the Hypnotherapy Practitioner Course, you will be entitled to register at Full Practitioner Level with GHR and CNHC. You will also receive the industry-based award - the General Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice (GQHP). Details of this plus the GHR/GHSC and CNHC requirements can be found by visiting the Clinical Hypnotherapy accreditation page.
How do I start?
You can start with just the Clinical Hypnotherapy Diploma and you will be eligible to register with GHR as a member. Please complete the enquiry form below for course dates and details or call Mark Peters on 0121 251 6172
You will be able to increase your level of membership from fellow to full practitioner on successful completion of the additional units. Please note there is currently no extra charge by GHR, to increase your membership level, as you continue your training in Hypnotherapy.
What does it Cost?
You can spread the cost of the modules over your period of attendance. If you book all three units at the same time you could receive a free copy of the best-selling book 'The Accidental Hypnotist'. The costs are:
- Module 1: Hypnotherapy Diploma £950
- Module 2 & 3: NLP Modules £1400
- Module 4: Development module £250
- Total: £2600 Which we will give a complete price of £2500.00
For more details and to book on our training program, please call 0121 251 6172 or email us.
SPREAD THE COST - We can help you spread the costs interest-FREE* if that would be helpful for you
BONUS: If you would like an additional accredited qualification in NLP (Society for NLP), you have the option to pay £100 certification fee on successful completion of modules 2 & 3.
You can secure your place by paying a £150 deposit using a credit or debit card with link below
Can I get any credit for prior training?
If you have already successfully completed your NLP Practitioner course, for example, you may be eligible for credit for prior learning (APL) if your NLP Practitioner and/or NLP Master-Practitioner course is accredited by SNLP, NLP Academy, NLPU (NLP University), ABNLP or INLPTA. Maybe you have some prior experience in hypnosis. Please contact us to check as we are always happy to help.
NLP Bonus offer
As an added bonus, if you have already successfully completed an NLP Practitioner course, and would like to attend as a refresher, then you could be entitled to a huge discount; please ask for more details.
As a a gift to you, if you book and pay in FULL we will give you a FREE copy of the Best Selling book The Accidental Hypnotist
Need Funding Assistance?
*PLEASE NOTE: If you opt to pay for the course in instalments, you will not receive your certificate/qualification until the final payment has been received.